Category: PARIS

  • REVIEW Samaritaine

    Like the recently reopened Paris store whose story it tells, this handsome title from US-based publisher Assouline is awash with Art Deco gorgeousness and chic…

  • Picturing a revolution

    It lasted just 72 days, but as a case study in the sheer untamable messiness of history, it’s hard to do better than the Paris Commune of 1871.

  • Ader’s winged wonder refreshed

    Ader’s winged wonder refreshed

    Clément Ader’s gloriously fantastical Avion III, his hallucinatory mash-up of steam engines, variable geometry bat wings and propellor blades like giant feathers…

  • REVIEW Paris

    The Hungarian-born French photojournalist Paul Almasy had a long, illustrious and global career as a war correspondent, chronicler for UNESCO…

  • Dry wit

    Dry wit

    One evening years ago, I was a passenger on the open top deck of a bateau mouche in Paris. The boat went under a bridge, and someone above us…

  • Other people, other lives

    Autrui. French word. I rather like it. How would you translate it into English? Other people, perhaps, or simply others. It’s one for writing more than speech…